GCE L2 Unit 5 Reflection

 In Unit 5 I learned more about Sheets and ways that I can better organize data. I also was reminded of using conditional formatting, which I have used before but I haven't in a while. I also was reminded of good ways to formatively assess my students.

I am actually very excited to learn about the Pivot Table. Last week I helped the SPED Teacher create a Google Form to track accommodations that were used by teachers for students. I did not know how I was going to organize the data efficiently before learning about the Pivot Table. Now I am going to create a Pivot Table and sort by each student and then the sheet will tell me which accommodations were used on which date for each student. It will really be a lifesaver!


  1. Amy, great reflection on Unit 5. Sheets is probably one of the apps with the biggest gap for users between USE and CAPABILITIES! I'm so glad you could use some conditional formatting and pivot tables to help analyze data. It makes it much easier. Personally I LOVE pivot tables. They were SO INTIMIDATING and I steered clear of them until I was forced to learn for my Level 2 certification. It took some getting used to, but now I'm mad I didn't learn it earlier. It saves me HOURS of trying to answer questions about my data that pivot tables can do with a couple clicks. Have fun continuing to explore and use this new knowledge!! BRAVO!

  2. Love this idea about the Pivot Table! I am a Special Education Teacher Consultant and am often asked by my local schools how to track the use of accommodations in the best way. Right now, they typically use their grading system and rely on the teachers to input whether they used an accommodation and what it is. So I like this idea very much about sending a form and then using the pivot tables for data. I work with a social worker who uses Boomerang for a small fee and it automatically sends google forms to teachers everyday and they take a few minutes to fill out the form each day. Lots to think about here! Thank you!


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