GCE L2 Units 3 & 4 Reflection

 In Units 3 and 4 I learned more about ways that I can utilize Google Calendar to make appointments. I also learned about better ways to connect with guardians (most of which I already use). Finally, I learned more about a few different extensions that I had not used before.

One of the biggest takeaways is that this might be a better way to schedule Student-Led Conferences than what we are currently using (Signupgenius). I like that it automatically puts things on the Google Calendar which is what I use for all of my school and personal scheduling. 

I also am really enjoying the extension Grammarly, I had heard about it before, but had not tried it. So far in this blog post it has helped me three times. :)


  1. Great reflection, Amy. I love the very end of your blog! How cool to install and USE something like Grammarly, not just once, but THREE TIMES! Hope you can look into appointment slots for scheduling conferences in the future. I feel like it might be easier to manage than SignUpGenius. The challenge should give you a good feel for what it's like to create appointment slots, have someone book, then cancel, so you can see how easy it is! Keep up the awesome work and enjoy continuing to use Grammarly!

  2. Amy, my school also does Student Led Conferences and we have also used SignUpGenius for the entire school. I agree with Lissa when trying to schedule multiple children with different teachers it gets messy with the Google appointments.

    I was wondering what are your expectations for the students conferences? We have them include details and images of their work from all of their classes, MAPS data, and SMART goals for the rest of the semester.


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